Our History

Gefen Senior Care owners and founders Leon Hofman, Harry Gurevich, and Martin Hofman are award-winning leaders in the assisted living and home care field, and have worked to bring unmatched quality care to seniors in their community for nearly 30 years. As family and partners, they have worked together to build a reputation as top-notch professionals with the drive and savvy to effect positive change. Today, they collectively oversee all operations in their five homes, Brooklyn Adult Care Center/ALP, Hedgewood HFA/ALP, New Brookhaven Town House, Oceanview Manor Home for Adults ALP and Queens Adult Care Center/ALP as well as in their two home care agencies, MZL Home Care Agency and Mountainview Home Care Agency. In their years of experience, they have touched the lives of thousands of mentally and physically disabled adults, veterans, and other individuals with disabilities community wide.

Their expertise, resourcefulness, and dedication, to the assisted living and home care agencies they operate have earned them a reputation as one of New York State’s most respected and valued providers of residential and home care services. Their shared vision is centered in a commitment to provide every resident with a highly specialized program and a comprehensive approach designed to meet the medical, emotional, social, and psychological needs of their residents, and recognize the importance of these individuals’ re-integration in the community.
Widely admired as exemplary advocates, caregivers, and protectors of people living with mental and physical disabilities, they have played a critical role over the years in helping raise awareness and standards of care to those being served in the assisted living and home care industry.
In 2010 the entity of GEFEN Senior Care was established, to reflect the unified mission of providing Care, Compassion, and Commitment to those we have been serving since 1989.


Mission & Values

The Gefen Senior Care Group stands for Caring, Compassion, and Commitment.
We believe that everyone deserves to live in a nurturing and safe environment, where they will be treated with kindness, care, compassion and respect. Our mission is to preserve the dignity of those that we serve, and promote their well-being by providing a superior level of care to the individuals that we serve.

“Truthfully, when I first moved into the Hedgewood facility I was somewhat anxious, not knowing what to expect. However, upon entering Hedgewood I was immediately struck by the cleanliness of the facility and the politeness of the staff. My anxieties disappeared. I felt relaxed and at home.”

A hedgewood resident

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